Strength of the perturbation: \(\eta\). Equilibrium when \(\eta = 0\).
Nonequilibrium ensemble: \(\psi_\eta\). Probability measure (steady-state) on \(\mathcal X\), not explicit for \(\eta\neq 0\).
Define a response observable of flux\(R:\mathcal X \to\mathbb R\), with \(\mathbb E_{\psi_0} R = 0\)
Linear response is the derivative of the expected flux: \[
\begin{equation}\rho(F,R) = \underset{\eta \to 0}{\lim}\, \frac1\eta\mathbb E_{\psi_\eta} R
Variance scales like \(T^{-1}\eta^{-2}\): simulation times of order \(\eta^{-2}\varepsilon^{-2}\) for confidence intervals of width \(\mathcal{O}(\varepsilon)\).
Equilibrium methods based on the Green–Kubo formula: \[
\widehat\rho_T^{\mathrm{GK}}(F,R) = \int_0^{T} \mathbb E_{\psi_0}[R(X_0^0)S(X_t^0)]\,\mathrm{d}t,
\] where \(S\) is the so-called conjugate response, which is explicit in terms of \(F\).
Dual approach: fixing the flux
Nonequilibrium dynamics with a stochastic perturbation strength: \[
\mathrm{d}Y^r_t = b(Y^r_t)\,\mathrm{d}t+\sigma(Y^r_t)\,\mathrm{d}W_t + F(Y^r_t)\mathrm{d}\Lambda_t,\quad \mathrm{d}\Lambda_t = \lambda(Y_t^r)\,\mathrm{d}t + \widetilde{\lambda}(Y_t^r)\,\mathrm{d}W_t.
The perturbation magnitude is chosen to enforce the constant flux condition: \(R(Y_t^{r}) = r \in {\mathbb{{R}}}\) for all \(t>0\).
Fully explicit expressions for \(\lambda,\widetilde{\lambda}\) can be derived.
Stochastic generalization of the “Norton method” of Evans & Morriss (1980s).
Reciprocal estimators for the linear response
Constant-flux ensemble: steady-state for the constrained dynamics, \(\phi_r\). Probability measure on the submanifold \(\{R = r\}\).
Measure inverse of resistance instead of conductance. \(\rho(F,R) \overset{?}{=} \rho^{\mathrm{DUAL}}(F,R)\) not true in general (sufficient conditions still lacking).
Paper(Blassel and Stoltz 2024): in-depth presentation of the method, generalizations, time-discretization schemes, special case of underdamped Langevin dynamics, realistic numerical examples.
Pure Julia implementation of MD, part of JuliaMolSim.
Creator and main contributor: Joe Greener (LMB, Cambridge). Small (but growing) community of contributors.
Standard features: deterministic/stochastic integrators, fast neighbor lists with CellListMap.jl, flexible logging interface, common bonded/non-bonded interactions…
Implements AtomsBase.jl interface.
Compatibilities: units with Unitful.jl, standard file formats with Chemfiles.jl, atomic cluster expansions with ACEPotentials.jl, NN potentials with Flux.jl, ab-initio forces with DFTK.jl…
Big selling point: aims for full support of differentiable simulation (currently with Zygote.jl). Paper (Greener 2024).
~13k lines of code. (LAMMPS: ~730k)
Some important features not implemented yet. (currently in version 0.21.0)
Lennard-Jones fluid with 1000 atoms (liquid argon).
Forcing: transverse sinusoidal forcing profile in the \(x\)-direction.
Flux: principal Fourier coefficient of the profile in the \(x\)-component of velocity.
Linear response is related to shear viscosity of the fluid.
\(\color{red}+\): standard method, \(\color{green}\times\): dual method.
Agreement in and beyond the linear response regime.
Results: fluctuations in the thermodynamic limit
Compare \(\mathop{\mathrm{\mathrm{Var}}}_{\psi_0}R\) and \(\mathop{\mathrm{\mathrm{Var}}}_{\phi_0}\lambda\).
Concentration in the thermodynamic limit \(N\to\infty\).
Scaling in the constant-forcing ensemble: \(\propto N^{-1}\) (standard spatial CLT).
Faster scaling in the constant-flux ensemble: \(\propto N^{-5/3}\).
Variance is still higher for \(\lambda\) for our range of system sizes.
But time-series are correlated: variance is only half the picture.
Results: correlation times
Correlation times are smaller for the constant-flux dynamics (right) than for the constant-response dynamics (left).
So effective sample size is larger for dual approach given a fixed simulation time.
Combined with scaling of variance, shows dual approach is arbitrarily more efficient (in this example) than standard approach in the limit \(N\to\infty\).
Here, dual approach overtakes standard approach for \(N\gtrapprox 800\).
Many theoretical open questions (sufficient conditions for equivalence of nonequilibrium ensembles, likewise for scaling of the variance property, existence of the steady-state and ergodicity).
Application of the dual method to dissipative particle dynamics (DPD). Work in progress by X. Shang and X. Wu (Birmingham).
Alternative approaches for variance reduction: coupling methods (in preparation, S. Darshan and G. Stoltz), transient substraction method (in preparation, R. Spacek and G.Stoltz)
Forward-mode AD with Molly.jl\[
\frac1{T\eta}\left(\int_0^T R(X_t^\eta)\,\mathrm{d}t - \int_0^T R(X_t^0)\,\mathrm{d}t\right) \xrightarrow{\eta\to 0} \frac1T\int_0^T \partial_\eta R(X_t^\eta) |_{\eta=0}\,\mathrm{d}t.
The tangent dynamics \(T_t = \partial_\eta R(X_t^\eta) |_{\eta=0}\) can be tracked through the equilibrium trajectory using dual numbers (ForwardDiff.jl).
Blassel, N., and G. Stoltz. 2024. “Fixing the Flux: A Dual Approach to Computing Transport Coefficients.”Journal of Statistical Physics 191 (17).
Ciccotti, G., and G. Jacucci. 1975. “Direct Computation of Dynamical Response by Molecular Dynamics: The Mobility of a Charged Lennard-Jones Particle.”Phys. Rev. Lett. 35: 789–92.
Evans, D. J., W. G. Hoover, B. H. Failor, B. Moran, and A. J. C. Ladd. 1983. “Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics via Gauss’s Principle of Least Constraint.”Physical Review A 28 (2): 1016–21.
Gosling, E. M., I. R. McDonald, and K. Singer. 1973. “On the Calculation by Molecular Dynamics of the Shear Viscosity of a Simple Fluid.”Molecular Physics 26: 1475–84.
Greener, Joe G. 2024. “Differentiable simulation to develop molecular dynamics force fields for disordered proteins.”Chemical Science 15: 4897–4909.