- Nonequilibrium statistical physics.
- Metastability in diffusion processes.
- Shape optimization for PDEs.
Publications / Preprints
- Fixing the flux: A dual approach to computing transport coefficients, Noé Blassel & Gabriel Stoltz, 2024, Journal of Statistical Physics [Preprint: arXiv, HAL,Paper: DOI]
- Sharp low-temperature spectral asymptotics for reversible diffusions in temperature-dependent domains, Noé Blassel, Tony Lelièvre & Gabriel Sotltz, 2025 [Preprint: arXiv, HAL]
Talks / Scientific outreach
- Workshop: Implementing Dissipative Particle Dynamics in Molly (12/2022, Jupyter notebook)
- Meeting of ANR SINEQ. Presentation on Norton dynamics. (12/2022, slides)
- CECAM Mixed-Gen online meetup on simulation of transport processes. Poster on Norton dynamics. (12/2022, poster)
- GAMM 2023, Dresden 93d annual meeting in Dresden. Talk on Norton dynamics. (05/2023, slides)
- MCM2023, Paris conference on Monte-Carlo methods and applications in Paris. Talk on Norton dynamics. (06/2023), slides
- SINEQ Summer School 2023: hands-on session on Parallel Replica dynamics. (09/2023), GitHub, notebook
- SINEQ Summer School 2023: Computing transport coefficients in Molly. (09/2023), slides
- Spring Long Program at IMSI, 2024, Chicago: How to find good metastable states? (04/2024), slides, video
- PASC 2024, Zürich: Fixing the flux with Molly.jl (06/2024) slides
- Journées de Probabilités 2024, Bordeaux: Sharp spectral asymptotics for metastable diffusions trapped in
a temperature-dependent domain (06/2024) slides
- Kinetic Equations, Mathematical Physics and Probability, BCAM, Bilbao: Sharp spectral asymptotics for metastable diffusions trapped in moving domains (06/2024) slides
- CERMICS Young Researchers Seminar: Sharp spectral asymptotics for metastable diffusions trapped in moving domains (06/2024) slides
- GAMM-MOANSI ANNUAL MEETING 2024: Sharp spectral asymptotics for metastable diffusions in temperature-dependent traps. (11/24) slides